The Little Book of Greatness is a bit about life as it should be. Yes, it’s about the lives of others. But it
chronicles the lives of a handful of people who have somehow been able to crack the code of what it is like to
live a robust, joyful life where every moment is limitless in the possibilities it offers.
In the pages of this little book, you will read about the magnificent lives of one of the country’s most revered
ad man who credits everything he has achieved to his emotional intelligence, a veteran journalist and author
with a curious mind, a Master chef determined to help people eat better, a centenarian who derives joy out of
walking, a lady who reinvented herself in her 90s, and a devoutly spiritual golden age who fought life’s
greatest battles with valour.
The book has been carefully curated to feature six senior citizens who have led and continue to lead
extraordinary lives by embracing the six principles of “positive ageing,” the
core philosophy of Columbia
Pacific Communities, India’s largest senior living community operators.
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