Measures for the Wellbeing of our Communities against COVID-19

Seniors living in communities designed with their needs in mind count on the service providers to be their shield from COVID-19.
In line with the Prime Minister’s first message on the subject, our protocols have been designed around the principle of “Precautions NOT Panic.”
The initiatives taken rest on the three pillars of:
- Raising awareness – Sharing the right information and dispelling myths about COVID-19 that are widely being shared via WhatsApp.
- Prevention – Steps taken at every level of the operation to prevent the ingress of the virus
- Promotion – Increase in activities and habits that enhance immunity and morale while respecting social distancing.
A. Awareness measures
- Bulletin, posters and updates on government policies are being shared through the Community notice boards and Whatsapp groups.
- Briefings by medical doctors and officials from the local administration to assure residents that support is available.
- Conducting regular health awareness programmes on the importance of sanitation and hygiene for staff and their families.
B. Preventive Measures
- Time bound handwashing practice for staff has been introduced. Hand sanitisers and disinfectants have been placed throughout the community.
- Any staff member detected with symptoms is immediately isolated and sent for medical checks and follow ups.
- Single residents’ health is checked upon every day by the wellness staff; couples have been educated to report any symptoms to the medical teams.
- Commonly touched surfaces are being constantly and consistently sanitised.
- No outsiders are allowed into the community; home delivery is being handled by the community personnel.
C. Promotive Measures
- Residents returning from overseas are being advised to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days.
- Residents have been advised to avoid visiting crowded areas, unsafe and unclean areas.
- Balanced nutrition and regular physical activities are being carried out while being conscious of social distancing.
- Community events involving outsiders have been minimised.
We hope and pray that these efforts will stand us all in good stead.
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