Birthday is a day of joy and celebration
Not just with feast but in kind and frolic
Not because it is a day one is born
It is a proof one has lived another year
with nothing but the grace of god
It is a day to look back and see
What we did; good or evil
How we lived, rightly or wrongly
Rejoice for right and repent for wrong
Resolve to do good in place of evil.
Commit to a life of virtues and values
Recharging sagging spirit and
Rededicate to living right
Forsake vanity and snobbishness
Grow humble and humane.
Make every moment worth gold
Making oneself immortal
When the soul departs body, so dear to it
In its sojourn to an unknown place
Never to come back again
For dear and near ones to see
Leaving everything hoarded over a lifetime.
This blog post is by Serene Urbana resident Dr A. Sreekumar Menon.