Awaken the slumbering writer within with Dr. Roshen Dalal

Author of 12 books, Dr. Roshen Dalal is known for her books Puffin History of India and The Puffin History of the World. In this virtual chat series, through a Facebook Live session, the writer will talk about her passion for writing, and how one can awaken the slumbering writer within.
Dr. Dalal writes extensively on the history of India and its religions. Some of her most celebrated works include India at 70: Snapshots since Independence and the Religions of India. Dr. Dalal holds a Master’s degree and PhD in ancient Indian History from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. In the early years of her career, she worked as a teacher and taught at both school and university. She has been actively involved in research in the fields of history, religion, philosophy and education. After working as an editor for many years, Dr. Dalal is pursuing her passion for writing amidst the beauty of Dehradun, where she lives with several rescued cats and two dogs.
When: July 31st, 2020 | 4:30 pm
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