How senior living communities are keeping residents physically and mentally fit during COVID-19 second wave

Mohit Nirula, CEO, Columbia Pacific Communities at an event

The COVID-19 related protocols in place at Columbia Pacific Communities are made by our Wellness Team in consultation with our Healthcare Partners – Columbia Asia Hospitals. Our focus has been to ensure the physical wellbeing of our residents while being equally conscious of their mental health requirements.


Our ability to ring-fence our communities from the external environment was tested and tried during the first wave. The credit goes to our tireless front-liners who went beyond the call of duty to ensure that we were able to continue to serve our residents and fulfil their daily and medical needs through team members who were staying within the communities.


Cooperation from our residents and guidance from our Resident Committees made this difficult task possible. Our wellness teams and Resident Managers coordinated with local medical authorities and hospitals to arrange for vaccinations for the residents and caregivers. As a consequence, the fact that more than 90% of our residents have had at least one dose of the vaccination has given an added layer of protection while providing greater peace of mind for both the residents and their extended families.


Housekeeping and dining services – frequency and delivery have been modified to ensure that residents are supported in their needs. Where necessary, all meals are served to them in their homes to limit their exposure.


All our communities have dedicated isolation facilities equipped with oxygen for emergency use so any residents showing even minor symptoms can be quarantined within the community. In this manner, our residents continue to have the support of our medical personnel without exposing them to the larger risk of going to a hospital.


Our partnership with one of India’s most trusted health portals, 1mg, as our e-Healthcare service providers ensures medicines are available to our residents at a preferential price and within 24-hours. In addition, a dedicated relationship manager at 1mg is available for any specific advice or assistance that may be required.


Our protocols have also ensured that physical distancing has not led to social distancing. While COVID affects those who are unfortunate to be exposed to the virus, the lockdowns affects the mental health of all – residents and service providers. It is a credit to the leadership of our Operations team that our residents have remained engaged and involved through this period through various technology-enabled engagement programmes, interactions and competitions.