World Food Day 2020: Building a Zero Hunger Generation

Mohit Nirula, CEO, Columbia Pacific Communities

Every year on 16th October millions of people around the world will gather at marathons, exhibitions, concerts and marches to observe World Food Day. This year gatherings would be different due to coronavirus but we should remember the cause of World Food Day. Initiated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) it is one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar.

More than just casual arrangements of celebrations, World Food Day is organized to bring awareness to how our changing planet influences food creation and distribution. Related events explore several topics such as examining how agriculture needs to adapt due to climate change or how migration affects food security. The objective of these meetings is to define objectives that will inevitably prompt structure a Zero Hunger Generation.

On a clearer level, World Food Day activities give instructions to people on ways they can change basic day to day habits and choices to make any difference. Related activities assist people with understanding the significant worldwide issues, for example, poverty, and climate change that impact the world’s food supply and distribution. More than 150 nations participate in this event, facilitating numerous events to celebrate and promote World Food Day.

Food is our basic necessity and everyone should value food. If we eat healthy and avoid wasting food then most of the problems will get solved. As a human being, we should be thankful for our each and every meal.

World Food Day – Encouraging Healthy Diets

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, now there are more obese people present in world than malnourished. The biggest risk factor for disability and death worldwide is unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles.

Food diversity is reducing, which means that the food supply is more vulnerable to climate change, and environmental damage from farming animals for meat and dairy is increasing. For World Food Day 2019, the FAO is calling on everyone to eat a healthy and sustainable diet.

However, many people lack the knowledge, resources or motivation to eat healthy diets. To mark World Food Day, let’s take a look at some of the opinions from experts and try to learn from them.

Patrick San Francesco, A world-renowned energy healer and internationally recognized humanitarian, philosopher, teacher and inventor from Goa, India

“The most important need of humanity is food and water. Instead of devoting one day in the year to “World Food Day”, EVERY day and EVERY mealtime should be devoted to food for humanity. Keep this in mind as you sit down to your next meal.”

Mohit Nirula, CEO, Columbia Pacific Communities


“A lot can happen over coffee” is the brand tagline of the country’s largest coffee chain. Espousing the values of a social get together, the Spanish philosopher, Bernard-Paul Heroux said, “There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea”.

Meals and mealtimes have, besides nourishing the body, played the additional and equally important role of bringing people together in a social event that also nourishes the intellect and the soul.

In fact, from farm to fork, food has always brought people together. Whether it is in kitchen gardens or family run farms, cooking for the family or cooking as a family, food cooked and served in temples and gurudwara langar or foods especially developed to be eaten with friends – biryanis, paellas or even the garden barbeques, group meals and cookouts as a team building activity – food is as good an excuse as there can be to create and foster social interaction.

At Columbia Pacific Communities, a celebration of any kind is always over great food. And it is indeed the ultimate glue that bonds people. Our communities are home to passionate foodies who generously share heirloom recipes with everyone.

So, on World Food Day, it is only correct that we acknowledge and appreciate the role food plays in building communities and cementing relationships.