Dr. A Sreekumar Menon

This Serene Urbana resident is a multi-faceted personality

This month’s trailblazer section features a multi-faceted man -Dr. A Sreekumar Menon, who has expertise in the fields of Psychology and Management, and is now a counsellor, writer and motivational speaker.

Born in Kerala’s Palakkad district, Menon excelled in studies and completed his graduation in Philosophy and Psychology securing first rank in Kerala University. He went on to complete his Doctorate from Mysore University and followed it up with a Post-Doctorate in Psychology with specialization in H.R. from Australia.

Menon received several scholarships and fellowships from U.G.C. Ford Foundation USA and International Labour studies, Geneva. He was a researcher, management trainer and advisor in India and offshore.

Menon has authored five research-based books on Management of which two received awards from Delhi Management Association. He is also the recipient of National Institute of Personnel Management Award and Wills Award of Excellence.

In addition to the books, Menon has written many articles on business, Indian culture and festivals decrying ritualistic practices in Hinduism. He stresses on principles of Hinduism which can be practiced every day to lead a happy, peaceful life with social harmony.

Now, at 78, Menon continues to pursue his mission to impart human values to offset the ill effects of a materialistic modern life. He has travelled to many countries and has delivered several discourses.

At Serene Urbana, Bangalore, he was in charge of the Cultural Committee and had organized more than 52 lecture sessions on various topics for the residents and had delivered lectures himself. Menon helps those in need through the good contacts he has acquired over the years and meets new people every day, spending quality time with them and sharing his knowledge. He has embraced tehcnology and keeps in touch with his family and friends though Facebook.

Menon’s wife Dr. Santha, is a medical practitioner with over 50 years of experience in Gynecology, Obstetrics and General Medicine. She has worked in Chennai, Delhi, Mysore and Bangalore. Santha has been practising at Serene Urbana after she moved in two years ago. She also consults at Leela Ramaiah Hospital, Devanahalli on weekdays.

Their son, Dr Arun Sreekumar is an internationally recognised scientist. He lives in the USA and works at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.

Menon aspires for everyone to have high ethical and moral values to lead a happy life. He strongly believes that mental health is as important as physical health.

Sreekumar Menon continues to be an inspiration to many and is a student of life.


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