October 21, 2019


Categories : Resident stories


Last week, I was clearing up my attic when I discovered a collection of old photographs. I was drowned in nostalgia as the photographs rekindled memories of some lovely moments from the past. Moments that evoked so many emotions, even after so long. When I hear all the talk about “leaving the past behind,” I think it is too broad a statement. For sometimes, the memories of “sweet somethings” are required to bring back the smiles on worry-creased faces, to turn lines into curves. Why else are alumni bodies so active and school and college reunions such a hit?


I was very much impressed with this wonderful post on social media – “Silence and smile are two powerful tools. While a smile helps to solve many problems, silence helps in avoiding them.” In spite of knowing the truth of this statement, we seldom pay heed to it.


Generally, waiting in queues for our turn at hospitals, labs and banks tends to test our patience. Especially so when we feel that someone has jumped the queue (and that is a universal doubt that lingers!) Just the other day, I had to wait for seven hours to get a few tests done. However, the morose atmosphere of the place was enlivened by the joyous gurgle of laughter of an infant who had accompanied her grandparents.


The forty people awaiting their turn, had smiles on their faces as the toddler made her presence felt, attracting the attention of onlookers. The child kept spreading her infectious smile until she was awake. As the young one stopped entertaining and went off to sleep, the crowd’s patience wore thin, and enquiries about their turn started pouring at the reception desk. Reliving the day, the toddler gave us a little “sweet something” to reminisce.



This blog post is by Serene Indus Valley (Coimbatore) resident Sujatha Sathiamurthy.