Give peace a chance

November 22, 2019


Categories : Blogs by our residents


“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”  – Wayne W. Dyer


We think of peace of mind as a destination and feel the need to chase it.


It is not easy to choose peace when we go through difficult times. Circumstances do affect our mental state, but by making the right choices, we don’t feel the need to control them.


Like other desirable states of mind, it requires effort but is always available.


What is the value of peace of mind?


Mind is efficient only when it is cool.

It increases the intellectual power of a man.

The cyclone derives its power from a calm centre. So does a man.


Seneca, a Roman Stoic philosopher says, “The mind is never right, but when it is at peace within itself.”


Make some room for silence in your life. It is an aid for peace of mind and helps the personality to grow. The power of silence is inestimable. Silence is a friend who never betrays.


Thomas Carlyle, a Scottish historian, rightly wrote, “Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves.”


Another aspect of mastering peace is to learn to manage our emotional state as it affects our mental and physical being and also our relationships. Peace of mind heals. Don’t trust your emotional reactions unless you are in full control.


“Sometimes it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens.” Anonymous.


At times we have questions, for which we have to wait for answers. Sometimes, we get answers to the questions that we never knew were there and sometimes the questions themselves become redundant. Many worries never come to pass.

Keeping your expectations realistic and being in control of your emotions is the only way to find peace of mind, which comes with daily practice and patience.


This blog post is by Serene Pushkar (Chennai) resident Geeta Gopalakrishnan.