Healthy Ageing: How To Set Fitness Goals? Check Out These Tips By a Senior Citizen Housing Community

Healthy Ageing: How To Set Fitness Goals? Check Out These Tips By a Senior Citizen Housing Community

March 25, 2021


Categories : Ageing tips


There is no doubt that there are immense health benefits of exercising regularly. It helps in managing weight, lowers cholesterol levels, and reduces the risk of one developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It also lowers one’s risk of developing osteoporosis. To reap the health benefits of exercising, it is important that seniors do at least 3 hours of moderate to high-intensity exercise per week. However, to make the exercise routine a success, it’s important to set the right fitness goals.If you are a senior citizen and are looking for tips to set fitness goals, here are a few thoughts:

  • Set straightforward goals:
    Wanting to stay healthy is a great place to start with. But not having a measurable goal can make it difficult to track progress. Have a more specific goal, for instance, losing 5 kgs within a specific time or want to be able to do 30 push-ups in a day.
  • Aim for attainable goals:
    Setting goals that are unrealistic can discourage you, forcing you to leave your fitness journey midway. The aim of goal setting is to push to do you better. For instance, instead of saying that you would quit eating sweets altogether, you should fix the goal of eating sweets only once in a week.
  • Set a timeline:
    To track your progress, you should be realistic with the time frame. Remember, lasting changes take time. Put an endpoint on your goal. Whether it’s a month or a quarter or a year, you should set a time.
  • Review your progress:
    Staying physically active is not a one-time thing, rather it is a life-long commitment. Assess your goals and ensure that they are relevant. Alter your goals as you progress with your fitness journey.
  • Exercise in groups:
    A strong social support network can really help you stick to your fitness journey. Exercising in groups can help you stick to your commitment. As the largest senior living community operator, we help our residents stay physically active by hosting yoga and aerobics classes. In our select facilities, there are swimming pools to help our residents stay in shape and make friends.


Relavent tags : leading senior living community operator