How to awaken your spiritual self? Useful insights by one of the leading senior citizen homes in Bangalore

June 12, 2022

Categories : Ageing tips | Average cost of retirement home per month | Birthday parties at retirement homes | Senior living tips

How to awaken your spiritual self

“All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.”  -Swami Vivekananda, spiritual leader    The concept of spiritual awakening has been around for centuries. Spiritual awakening happens when you start looking at your life from a new perspective. In simple words, it is a journey of living a life with purpose and meaning and embracing yourself exactly as you are. Spiritual awakening is also called nirvana, enlightenment, or bliss. Often when people grow older, spirituality becomes a very important part of life. As one of the leading senior citizen homes in Bangalore, we share with you a few useful insights on spiritual awakening:    Analyse your beliefs: One of the most important things to do is to be conscious of and intentional about what you believe. Explore your spiritual core and analyse your inner thoughts. Doing this is important to consciously acknowledge your yearnings and  curiosity. Reading spiritual books can help you answer some of the most important spiritual questions such as  Who am I?  What is my purpose?  What do I value most?    Answering these questions will lead you down to a road of self-exploration.    Experience inner peace through meditation: Meditation is one of the most effective spiritual practices you can try whenever and wherever you want. Sitting at one place and focusing on your breath can be a bit difficult at first but with regular meditation sessions it can become a habit. The benefits of meditation practice are numerous. Besides helping you calm down and connect with the supreme being, it has been found that meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety.    Try yoga: Yoga can help improve your spiritual wellness. Yoga involves intense asanas, stretching, and deep breathing which promote mindfulness. Experts suggest that mindfulness can cultivate greater awareness, consciousness, and improved quality of life. Making yoga a part of your lifestyle will foster a stronger relationship with your spiritual wellness.    Connect with community: For different people, spiritual wellness can have different meanings. For some, it can be connecting with others. If you are one of them, you can volunteer at a local charity or attend cultural gatherings to improve your spiritual health.    Want to know more about premium community living for seniors in Bangalore?    Explore our premium senior citizen homes in Bangalore that will help seniors lead a fulfilling retirement life. Our retirement home will have a clubhouse, open-air swimming pool, rooftop bistro, restaurants, fitness centre, spa, and salon. To know more about our retirement home facilities, call us at +91 8884555554 or book a virtual tour.

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Common Myths about Ageing Debunked by a Senior Citizen Home in Coimbatore

April 18, 2021

Categories : Ageing tips

best senior citizen home in Coimbatore

When people reach a certain age, they often believe that they are too old to do certain things such as starting a new career after retirement or pursuing new hobbies. However, there are many senior adults who are defying that notion and not letting their age dictate their life choices. As one of the best senior citizen homes in Coimbatore, we bust some common ageing myths and challenge the long-standing assumptions associated with ageing: Too old to change careers: Did you know that actor Boman Irani debuted at the age of 44? Entrepreneur GR Gopinath launched his airlines Air Deccan when most people start planning for retirement. National shooting champion Chandro Tomar started shooting when she was in her 60s. The list goes on. We understand that making a new start at any age can be challenging. However, if you embrace everything as a new adventure, it’s true that anything is possible in life. Too old to exercise: If you follow Senior Olympics, you would know that age is not an obstacle when it comes to exercising. Seniors can incorporate exercise into their daily routine by understanding and accepting their body’s limitations. With proper planning, you choose exercises that suit you. For instance, those with joint pain can plan an exercise regimen that has less impact on their joints. Regular exercising helps ageing adults improve their mental and physical health – both are important for leading an independent life. Too old to start a hobby: Want to learn to play a musical instrument or learn a new language or learn salsa? Your age should not hold you back from discovering new hobbies and pursuing them. There have been studies that show learning new things can keep an aged person’s brain active and sharp. Too old to make new friends: Friends are important at all stages of life. As you grow old and there are fewer familial and professional commitments, you will need the company of like-minded friends. Volunteering, joining a club or taking group lessons can help you make new friends.  

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How To Preserve Independence As You Age?

March 28, 2021

Categories : Ageing tips

How To Preserve Independence As You Age?

An ideal retirement dream is all about having the freedom to live the life you wish. To ensure that you continue to lead an independent life as you age, you need to start planning early. As the largest senior living community operator, we share some helpful insights to help you stay independent as you age: Feed your soul: The way your body needs a well-balanced diet to survive, your soul too needs a spiritual diet to thrive. Start listening to your heart and do what it says. Slowing down a bit to enjoy everyday things can help you feel good. Next time you’re on a familiar walk, appreciate the scene you’re a part of. Play your favourite song. While preparing a meal, take extra time to watch the spices mix or the cheese melt. Savour life’s little moments rather than waiting for something big to happen. Enjoy the everyday sights, sounds and smells. Engage in these simple practices every day and make them a part of your daily routine for long-term happiness. Find movements you love: Exercising makes you feel energised, strong, and confident. Take a moment, ask yourself: What movements bring you joy? While all types of exercises make a difference, finding enjoyable movements will ensure that you stick to it. It could be walking in nature or taking a yoga class or doing aerobics or joining a dance class – do what you like the most. A sedentary lifestyle is your worst enemy as you age. Exercising or getting any kind of physical activity helps increase the levels of good cholesterol while reducing the bad cholesterol levels from the blood. Not just that, exercise gives muscles a good work out, reduces blood pressure, controls your weight and helps you deal with stress. Have a healthy attitude towards money: Financial security is an important aspect of your independence as you age. Your attitudes and beliefs about money are of critical importance in your quest for financial independence. There are times when people spend on things that don’t make them happy. Are you spending on things that truly bring you joy? One great guideline for budgeting is the 50/30/20 rule. Direct 50% of your earnings to essentials like housing, food, and medicines. Dedicate 30% of your earnings for recreational activities such as vacations, painting lessons and the rest 20% for saving.

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Healthy Ageing: How To Set Fitness Goals? Check Out These Tips By a Senior Citizen Housing Community

March 25, 2021

Categories : Ageing tips

Healthy Ageing: How To Set Fitness Goals? Check Out These Tips By a Senior Citizen Housing Community

There is no doubt that there are immense health benefits of exercising regularly. It helps in managing weight, lowers cholesterol levels, and reduces the risk of one developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It also lowers one’s risk of developing osteoporosis. To reap the health benefits of exercising, it is important that seniors do at least 3 hours of moderate to high-intensity exercise per week. However, to make the exercise routine a success, it’s important to set the right fitness goals.If you are a senior citizen and are looking for tips to set fitness goals, here are a few thoughts: Set straightforward goals: Wanting to stay healthy is a great place to start with. But not having a measurable goal can make it difficult to track progress. Have a more specific goal, for instance, losing 5 kgs within a specific time or want to be able to do 30 push-ups in a day. Aim for attainable goals: Setting goals that are unrealistic can discourage you, forcing you to leave your fitness journey midway. The aim of goal setting is to push to do you better. For instance, instead of saying that you would quit eating sweets altogether, you should fix the goal of eating sweets only once in a week. Set a timeline: To track your progress, you should be realistic with the time frame. Remember, lasting changes take time. Put an endpoint on your goal. Whether it’s a month or a quarter or a year, you should set a time. Review your progress: Staying physically active is not a one-time thing, rather it is a life-long commitment. Assess your goals and ensure that they are relevant. Alter your goals as you progress with your fitness journey. Exercise in groups: A strong social support network can really help you stick to your fitness journey. Exercising in groups can help you stick to your commitment. As the largest senior living community operator, we help our residents stay physically active by hosting yoga and aerobics classes. In our select facilities, there are swimming pools to help our residents stay in shape and make friends.

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5 Common Myths About Ageing Brain That You Should Stop Believing

March 10, 2021

Categories : Ageing tips

5 Common Myths About Ageing Brain That You Should Stop Believing

When it comes to ageing brain, don’t believe everything you hear. Doing crossword puzzles used to be perhaps the best advice in terms of how ageing adults can keep their brains sharp during the golden years. However, there are several ways that can help you reduce the risk of cognitive decline in general and keep your brain in the best shape. As one of the leading senior living communities in India, we debunk the common myths about ageing: A healthy lifestyle doesn’t affect brain health: Your brain is in charge of keeping your heart beating and lungs breathing. It lets you move, feel, and think. But a poor diet, dehydration, and stress help in generating free radicals that damage brain cells. It is thus important to give your brain the nutrients it needs by eating a variety of nutrient-packed food, exercising regularly, and keeping yourself hydrated. When you are stressed, the body responds with inflammation which subsequently reduces the brain’s ability to function and transmit information. Learn ways to manage your stress. Doing yoga, writing a journal and meditating are some ways that can help you change negative thought patterns. Sleep doesn’t matter: Often it is thought that poor sleep is a normal part of ageing, but it is not. In fact, deep sleep is very important for seniors as it reduces the risk of cognition loss and dementia. According to a study, lack of deep sleep reduces word recall memory. Your sleep pattern may change as you age but disturbed sleep should not be ignored. Those having trouble sleeping should see a doctor. Gum disease is actively related to brain health: One of the more surprising connections scientists have found is between gum disease and cognitive decline. It has been found that bacteria that cause gum disease can move from the mouth to the brain. Once in the brain, the bacteria can destroy nerve cells, which in turn can lead to memory loss, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Now, you have one more reason to make good oral health a priority. Dehydration and brain function: All the cells in the body need water to carry out essential functions. Therefore, when the body is dehydrated, brain cells cannot function as they should. Exercise is good for the heart: Well, you all know that exercise is good for your cardiovascular health. But what about your brain? Exercise increases the heart rate, pumping more oxygen to the brain. This stimulates chemical changes that provide an excellent environment for the growth of brain cells which boosts one’s learning skills, mood and thinking abilities. Exercising also releases happy hormones that helps one manage stress. As a leading senior living community operator, we encourage positive ageing at our communities by offering the right atmosphere to lead a physically and socially active lifestyle.

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Tips from One of The Leading Retirement Home Facilities on Active Ageing

February 16, 2021

Categories : Ageing tips

Tips from one of the leading retirement home facilities on active ageing

Ageing gracefully isn’t about looking young – it’s about living an active life. For active ageing to be a reality, you have to practise healthy habits that will reduce stress and help you maintain a healthy mind and body. At our retirement home facilities, we provide all the assistance and facilities that make ageing all about living a healthy and happy life. Here are some tips on how to stay active in your golden years: Keep your body alert and active: The benefits of regular exercise cannot be emphasised enough, regardless of your age. Staying physically active in your golden years helps you feel more energetic. It also increases your mobility and balance and delays care dependency. Yoga, swimming, stretching exercises and dancing can help you improve your flexibility and boost muscle strength. At our community living facilities, we have well-equipped gym, jogging tracks, and yoga decks. As these activities are done in groups, they are fun as people get to socialise. Stay mentally sharp: Taking care of your mental wellbeing can enriching your life and reduce boredom. But how do you keep the mind active? Doing things that give your brain a workout is the best way to keep your mind sharp. Reading books, playing games like Sudoku, chess or learning a new language, learning to play instruments, learning new skills like origami, art and craft and painting are just some of the few ideas that can get you started. Maintain a medical diary: Being proactive about your health is the best thing you can do for active ageing. A diary of your medical checkups can help you keep an eye on all the important health parameters. To help our residents stay healthy, we organise regular health screenings for residents at our retirement home facilities. All the vital parameters are monitored periodically, and we keep up-to-date medical records of all residents with us. We organise periodic wellness workshops and awareness lectures to encourage our residents to take care of themselves. Have a positive outlook: Your attitude shapes the way you perceive the world around you. Maintaining a positive attitude can help you embrace all the ups and downs of ageing without feeling low. Read More – How Retirement Homes in India are Promoting Positive Ageing? Positive ageing: How to Enjoy Life After Retirement? Best Retirement Homes in India are Helping Seniors Find Happiness and Meaning with Ageing Ageing with a Healthy Heart: Tips from The Best Rated Senior Living Communities

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Ageing with a Healthy Heart: Tips from The Best Rated Senior Living Communities

January 21, 2021

Categories : Ageing tips

Ageing with a Healthy Heart: Tips from Senior Living Communities

As people age their body and lifestyle change, they are more likely to suffer from various health conditions and the risk of cardiovascular diseases increase as one ages. However, there is a lot that can be done to keep your heart young and healthy. Right diet and regular physical activity are keys to good heart health at any age. As one of the best rated senior living communities in India, we have curated some useful tips on heart-healthy ageing: Following an active lifestyle: Regular moderate-intensity physical activity improves a senior’s health in many ways – it reduces their risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, helps them maintain a healthy weight and improves their strength, flexibility, and balance. To encourage senior residents to follow an active lifestyle, some of the best rated senior living communities such as ours have gyms, jogging tracks, swimming pools and facilities for indoor and outdoor games. At our senior living community facilities, we have fully equipped gyms with cardiovascular and strength training equipment. In all our communities, there are open spaces for residents to walk and jog. Residents can participate in stretching exercises, yoga sessions and aerobic classes. Eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight: When it comes to cardiovascular health, what you eat matters the most. At our senior living communities, we make sure that the menu is designed under the supervision of a dietician and it incorporates a variety of plant foods. As per a study conducted by the American Gut Project, respondents who ate at least 30 different types of plant foods in a week – from vegetables and fruits to nuts and legumes—had the most diverse gut microbiome which is often associated with good health. Keeping an eye on the important health markers: To keep your heart healthy, you should measure and track important health markers like your blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels. Some of the best rated senior living communities ensure that their residents undergo regular health screening for early detection and treatment. At Columbia Pacific Communities, we are proactive about preventive healthcare – we offer comprehensive geriatric assessment and supportive care. There are regular health checkups, and the medical records of residents are well-maintained and properly updated so that the right care can be provided should the need arise. Getting rid of negative thoughts: Depression, anxiety and other emotional issues can take a toll on your heart health. For many elderly residents, socialising with like-minded people is the ultimate stress reliever. It helps seniors get rid of any kind of negative thoughts and anxiety. At our senior living communities, we follow an active social calendar where residents can take part in yoga classes, workshops, and different types of indoor and outdoor activities. There are clubs and groups for just about everything, from book clubs to music clubs and walking groups. Make an appointment to visit one of our community living facilities and speak to our team – they will be able to tell you more about living in Columbia Pacific Communities. Give us a call on +91 8884555554 to schedule a visit. Read More – Happiness Tips for Seniors Living in Community Living Facility

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Best Retirement Homes in India are Helping Seniors Find Happiness and Meaning with Ageing

January 19, 2021

Categories : Ageing tips

Retirement Homes are Helping Seniors Find Happiness and Meaning with Ageing

The best retirement homes in India help seniors lead a purposeful and satisfying life after retirement. With an active social calendar, excellent fitness facilities, housekeeping and maintenance staff and tie-ups with leading hospitals and healthcare centres, they strive to take care of their residents’ mental and physical well-being. Our senior living communities are driven by a firm belief that retirement is not the end of the road but a new beginning. Here we discuss how the best senior living communities in India such as ours are helping elderly residents lead an enriching life: Learning doesn’t have to stop: Learning at any age is beneficial. However, as people age, the significance of learning new skills grows. Research studies have shown that as seniors learn new skills it affects their mental wellbeing positively. To encourage our residents to stay mentally stimulated, we offer a host of facilities like libraries, game rooms and art workshops. Our senior living communities have interest-based clubs for community members like reading clubs and art clubs where members meet, discuss and debate. Also, we regularly host informative seminars and workshops on a wide variety of topics. Setting your fitness goals: Retirement gives seniors plenty of time to work on their fitness regime. The group fitness activities conducted in our senior living communities are not only engaging but also help our residents with their health and wellness journeys. When people exercise in groups, it encourages them to meet their fitness goals. From yoga classes and senior-friendly gyms to swimming pools and aerobics classes – there is always an opportunity for our seniors to stay physically active. Worry-free lifestyle: Life after retirement is all about rewarding yourself for years of hard work and the last thing you want is to worry about household chores. Our senior living communities offer residents an independent lifestyle where instead of fretting about property maintenance and cooking, they can pursue their hobbies or even develop new ones, widen their social circle, go out on trips, and feel a part of the community. Housekeeping, laundry, concierge services and wholesome dining options are some of the facilities that we offer our senior residents. Want to know more about our senior living communities? We can give you a guided tour of our communities to provide you with a better feel of the lifestyle our residents enjoy. To book a tour, call us on +91 8884555554. Interesting Read How Retirement Homes in India are Helping Seniors Embrace Positive Lifestyle Changes Retirement Homes in India: Helping Seniors Begin a New Chapter How Retirement Communities in India are Helping Seniors Let Go of Unnecessary Stressors

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Are Senior Citizen Homes in Chennai Right for My Ageing Parents?

January 16, 2021

Categories : Ageing tips | Senior living tips

Are senior citizen homes in Chennai right for my ageing parents?

If your parents are planning to settle down in Chennai after retirement, it’s a great decision. As the city is a cultural powerhouse – your parents can enjoy their time visiting art museums, theatres and galleries. The cultural centres host interesting events and festivals throughout the year. The commercial capital of the state also offers an escape into nature – you can visit nearby hill stations such as Ooty, Yercaud and Yelagiri. If you are wondering if moving into senior citizen homes is the right decision, then keep on reading: A sense of belongingness: Loneliness is a big problem at any age, but it is particularly serious for seniors. When people retire, they lose their existing circle of friends. After retirement many find it difficult to create a social network outside work. At senior citizen homes, people find structured activities that help them pursue their interests and make new social contacts, thus giving them a sense of belongingness. Life after retirement can be lonely: With children being busy with their hectic lives, an increasing number of seniors find it difficult to cope with loneliness. The sense of loneliness worsens with losing spouse. Senior citizen homes such as ours — Serene Adinath and Serene Pushkar — present a good opportunity for seniors to spend time with people of their own age and make meaningful connections. Loneliness can adversely affect eating habits: Loneliness can lead to either overeating or undereating. Often some seniors use food to soothe uncomfortable feelings by overeating while others refrain from eating. At senior citizen homes, residents often eat together which in a way helps them combat the feeling of social isolation. Feeling of social isolation can lead to health-related issues: With age comes isolation and loneliness. Not many people realise that loneliness can cause a number of health issues in seniors, including depression, cognitive decline, dementia, high blood pressure etc. People who feel lonely are less likely to take good care of their health. They are likely to stay physically inactive and have eating disorders. Read More – How Retirement Homes in Chennai are Turning Aging into a Happy Experience

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How You Help Your Aging Parents in Their Search for the Best Retirement Homes in India

December 25, 2020

Categories : Ageing tips | Retirement planning tips

How you help your aging parents in their search for the best retirement homes in India

Are your parents looking for the best retirement homes in India? You can make their decision easier by helping them in their search. Here are some handy tips that will make finding a retirement home easier for you and your parents: Get family on the same page: When you search for senior citizen retirement homes, start your search by getting everyone in the family on the same page. Often disagreements between family members can cause problems in the selection process and the family ends up zeroing in on a retirement home that is not right for the parents. Understand the cost of living: Remember buying a retirement home has a long-term personal and financial impact. There are charges that cover maintenance cost and daily living expenses. Check whether these expenses are subject to periodic increases and if yes, then what are the conditions. Also, it is important to consider the future needs of your parents while checking the financial aspects. Take a tour of the property: Before making a life-changing decision for your parents, you and your parents should visit some of the best retirement homes in India. This will give you a better understanding of the retirement homes and the nearby areas. Speak to the residents of the retirement homes to get first-hand experience of community living. Choosing a retirement home is a long-term decision, so do not rush into it. Think ahead and make an informed choice. Check the social calendar: Find out the types of activities conducted by the retirement home on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. A retirement home with an active social calendar will help your parents meet new people and make new friends. From watercolor classes and fitness opportunities to singing classes – most retirement homes in India offer a wide range of activities to meet everyone’s interest. Consider future medical needs: Consider a retirement home that offers skilled medical care. Some retirement homes in India like ours have tie-ups with nearby hospitals to ensure round the clock medical care. We also have emergency care facilities with 24/7 ambulance service, doctor-on-call, and emergency protocols in place. Periodic health screenings, wellness workshops and awareness lectures are also conducted regularly at our retirement homes in India.

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