“What is hell? Hell is oneself. Hell is alone, the other figures in it. Merely projections. There is nothing to escape from. And nothing to escape to. One is always alone.” – TS Eliot, renowned American poet. The above quote by TS Eliot captures the sad truth about loneliness. Loneliness is indeed an unpleasant experience. But besides the feeling of being alone, are there any long-term harmful effects associated with loneliness? Well, loneliness is more than just a terrible feeling. There are several long-term health effects of loneliness. As one of the leading senior living communities, we share with you the impact loneliness can have on your parents’ health: Psychological disorders: Loneliness can often contribute to a range of psychological disorders like depression and anxiety and older adults seem to be at a slightly higher risk. It can be difficult to recognise the signs of psychological disorders as seniors are less likely to talk about their feelings or physical problems like fatigue, loss of appetite, sleeping troubles and fatigue. This means family and friends may find it difficult to recognise whether older people are feeling lonely or not. Unhealthy habits: Loneliness makes it harder for senior adults to stick to a healthy lifestyle. Overeating or drinking too much alcohol are some of the bad habits that senior adults may get addicted to when they feel lonely. Moreover, lonely people are more likely to withdraw from socialising and seek emotional support – all this makes them even more isolated. Sleep deprivation: Loneliness can wreak havoc with sleeping patterns. It has been found that sleep deprivation can have negative effects on metabolism and hormonal regulation, affecting the immune system of senior adults. How independent senior living apartments are helping their residents beat loneliness? “The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital.” – These words by American physician, and New York Times best-selling author Mark Hyman, capture the importance of living in a community with like-minded people. We believe that the best way to beat loneliness is to have a sense of belongingness and something to look forward to each day. Many independent senior living apartments like ours provide residents with opportunities to meet like-minded people. We have different groups for different activities that your parents can join should they choose to live in our senior living homes. Joining these groups offer them a platform that has a shared purpose and eventually, they will make a friend. Though initially, it may be difficult for people who are lonely, research shows group activities and being part of a community help fend off loneliness.
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