How to Help Senior Citizens Living in Senior Housing Communities Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic?
September 22, 2020
Categories : Senior living tips
The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the world into an unprecedented situation. The importance of maintaining personal hygiene, maintaining social distance and self-quarantining cannot be emphasized enough given the contagious nature of the infection. While older people are more vulnerable to the infection, for people living in senior citizen homes in India, it is important to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic in a better way. Here are a few tips that could help senior living communities handle the COVID-19 pandemic better:
Empower residents with information: The real threat in the times of a pandemic is not just the infection but also the misinformation. Providing residents accurate and non-judgmental information around COVID-19 is the best way to manage the pandemic. At Columbia Pacific Communities, we raised awareness about how to stop the spread of the virus, what to do if they develop symptoms of the disease, and how to best manage their health and well-being during quarantine. The information shared with our residents have been vetted by leading medical practitioners.
Sense of security: Knowing that the staff at the senior living community they live in is taking all the safety precautions can help residents have peace of mind. Many senior citizen housing complexes have put in place safety measures and hygiene practices. To ensure that our residents are well-protected, the entry for visitors has been restricted at all our Communities. Community staff members are ensuring that all the essential items are being delivered to residents.
Stay connected: The need for seniors to remain connected with others has become all the more important in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social isolation and loneliness in older adults can adversely affect their physical and mental well-being. To help seniors not feel shut out, our Wellness team encourages residents to connect with their family and friends over video calls. Those who are not tech-savvy are provided assistance. Virtual talent hunts have kept the morale high. Community messages are exchanged regularly so that everybody stays updated and feels like a part of the community. Seniors are also encouraged to go for walks while maintaining social distancing.
Relavent tags : Senior housing communities