Nobody is immune to the feelings of anxiety and worry. In fact, these feelings are a normal and essential part of being human. As people age, they worry more about their health. Sometimes, they feel anxious as they worry about the future. Though it is natural to feel anxious once in a while, it can be quite difficult when seniors start suffering from persistent and excessive anxiety over normal and regular issues. Unchecked anxiety can negatively affect an individual’s life. As Paramahansa Yogananda said: “Learn to be calm and you will always be happy.” When seniors bring a sense of calm into their lives, they enjoy health benefits. There are many exercises that can help seniors feel calm and relaxed. As one of the leading senior living homes in Coimbatore, we share some exercises for seniors that can improve their mood and help calm their mind and body: 1. Play the name game: When seniors are anxious, they need to find a way to take their mind off their worries. Name game is a simple exercise where one has to look around and name three things he or she sees, hears, and feels. This exercise may seem very simple but it helps seniors to be in the moment and experience the wonderful things around them. 2. Practise deep breathing: When people are anxious, their breaths are short and often constrained. One of the best ways to relax in a stressful situation is to consciously take deep breaths. One simple breathing exercise is breathing in through your nose and letting your body fill with as much air as it can comfortably hold. Then relax by slowly exhaling through your mouth. 3. Take a break with tea mindfulness: Seniors who love drinking tea can make their tea time a meditation break. They must concentrate on the process of making tea. Paying attention to the colour and smell of tea leaves and feeling the aroma of boiling tea leaves are great ways to practise mindfulness and be in the present moment. Those who love coffee can perform this practice in the same manner. In fact, this sort of mindfulness can be practised with any activity. 4. Create a gratitude list: Life is full of ups and downs but there is something that one can be grateful for every day. One of the simplest exercises to reduce anxiety is to focus on positive aspects of life. One great way to do that is to maintain a gratitude journal. Writing down positive things can bring happiness, a sense of calm, and help one look at things from a new perspective. During these uncertain times, it is natural to feel anxious. To help our residents relax and cope with stress, our senior citizen homes in Coimbatore administer yoga, meditation sessions, and breathing exercises. There are open green spaces where our residents can relax and meditate. To know more about our senior citizen retirement homes in Coimbatore, call us at +91 8884555554.
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