A senior citizen enjoying a quiet moment at a senior citizen home in Coimbatore

Inspirational Books for Seniors: List by One of the Leading Senior Citizen Homes In Coimbatore

June 9, 2021


Categories : Senior living tips


Reading is the best way to get some good insights and perspectives on life. Often monotony of daily life can put a lid on imagination and creativity. Reading inspirational words will not just make you feel more courageous and optimistic, but also help you think creatively. 

As operators of one of the leading retirement homes in Coimbatore, we have curated a list of inspirational books for seniors: 

  • Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda: Regarded as a spiritual classic, the book has inspired many from Apple co-founder Steve Jobs to cricketer Virat Kohli. The book beautifully talks about miracles and the yogic teachings. The incredibly inspiring book is written in an entertaining and humorous way. Not only does this book introduce its readers to the beautiful world of yoga and meditation, but it also offers some powerful life lessons that bring happiness and peace. 
  • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma: Highly practical and a wonderful read, this book has an unforgettable tale that describes many people who are running a race that they have not even chosen. What sets this book apart is the practical rituals that the author shares. From not littering your mind with unnecessary information to ruthlessly living your priorities, this book should be your go-to choice if you are looking for some practical life lessons. 
  • Freedom from the Known by J Krishnamurti: If you are looking for a unique and radical philosophy, there cannot be a better pick-me-up book. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill inspirational book. Rather it questions societal expectations that define the construct of our daily lives. It takes you through a journey where you will come across many truths, some harsh ones too and how you can break away from the vicious cycle of what is expected. 
  • Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old by Deepak Chopra: No matter how old you are, you will always find people obsessively talking about age. This inspiring book presents us with information that can help us live long, healthy lives while not taking assumptions associated with a chronological number too seriously. There is nothing inevitable about ageing, says the book. For those looking to live a healthy and fulfilling life, this book is an excellent read.